4-C: Community Coordinated Child Care

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Importance of the Environment in the Development of Children

March 20 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Daycare facility or daycare in-home settings

It is the nature of children to interact with their environment, but the quality of those interactions depends on the opportunities for engagement offered by the environment. The ability of a child to interact with their environment directly impacts their development. Through their interaction with events and materials outside themselves, children develop an understanding of themselves. This training will allow participants to reflect on their classroom environment while working purposefully to change and find opportunities to create an environment that supports all children.

Trainer: Marquita Myles, 4-C Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant

Audience: All Providers

2 Training Hours; Level of Learning: Introductory


Non 4-C Members: $10

4-C Members: Free


March 20
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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